We’re happy to help!
Select a statement that best describes your need for support.
Please choose the most relevant topic. The support form will then ask for details about your inquiry to get you the best help possible. If you don’t find a solution to your problem, you will be given the opportunity to send a direct email at the end.
Technical Issues
I am having technical issues with an thedotstore plugin.
I have questions and/or concerns about my account, my purchases, or billing.
Pre-Sale Questions
I’d like to gather some information before committing.
Custom Development
I’d like to discuss a customization, new feature, or custom development.
We found article(s) that may help:
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Additional resources
We have a documentation site for dotstore plugins. Be sure to browse the articles if you don't see what you're looking for.
View DocumentationDotstore Self-Service Guide
Dotstore Self-Service Guide helps you discover why the plugin is having problems.
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Oops! It looks like there are no suggestions for your issue. Please consider adjusting your phrasing. You may also click the button below to browse our documentation.
View DocumentationI've reviewed the information, but I still need to open a support ticket.
Create support ticketWe found article(s) that may help:
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Search must be at least 3 characters.
Additional resources
We have a documentation site for dotstore plugins. Be sure to browse the articles if you don't see what you're looking for.
View DocumentationDotstore Self-Service Guide
Dotstore Self-Service Guide helps you discover why the plugin is having problems.
Nothing Found!
Oops! It looks like there are no suggestions for your issue. Please consider adjusting your phrasing. You may also click the button below to browse our documentation.
View DocumentationI've reviewed the information, but I still need to open a support ticket.
Create support ticketQuestion
Answer for the question.
You may find further information about this topic on our dedicated documentation site.
View DocumentationThanks! But I still have questions.
Create support ticketCustom Development
Sorry, we don't offer custom development under support, but we do have a couple of suggestions.
Submit a Feature Request
If the development can wait, then you can submit a feature request. When a request gets enough votes and interest, we usually begin development on it.
Submit a Feature Request
Awesome! You want to submit a feature request. You can use our Feature Requests section to see if your request already exists, or to submit a new one.
Submit Feature RequestCustom Development
Sorry, we don't offer custom development under support, but we do have a couple of suggestions.
Submit a Feature Request
If the development can wait, then you can submit a feature request. When a request gets enough votes and interest, we usually begin development on it.