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Feature Requests

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Set fee based on state, not city

We have a unique situation where we need to set a flat fee based on the state where we are shipping an order. We can define the fee by city, but if someone lives in a city outside of our state with the same name, then the fee still applies

Completed Category: WC Extra Fees 5ffd7c00a8851d1234e4d66ee89b885a?s=40&d=mm&r=g bwhetstone_obc shared this idea

3 thoughts on “Set fee based on state, not city

  1. Hello there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    In the extra fees rules, you can add the rules by City and State.

    Based on the rules it will check the billing fields.

    If you want to check and compare the State then, add the state-based rule.

    Click here to review the screenshot for the settings to get an idea about that.

    Hope this helps. Let us know still you have any queries on that.


  2. Thanks for the reply Hitendra, is that feature in the premium version? We are testing out the free version and I don’t see the option for state; just country and city.

    1. Yes, this feature is available in the premium version.

      For further discussion and a recent discount click here to create a support ticket.


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