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Feature Requests

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value calculation

It would help very much to have a value calculation not only for the whole cart but also for only the products which fit into the filter criterias. Need this because of also using advanced shipping packages to split into separate packages/pallets.

Declined Category: Advanced Flat Rate Shipping 07017aa873d0a1db56e2678a540ade20?s=40&d=mm&r=g benzomai09 shared this idea

One thought on “value calculation

  1. Hello benzomai09,

    Thank you for your feature request regarding compatibility with the Advanced Flat Rate Shipping and Advanced Shipping Packages plugin.

    After a thorough examination of the technical aspects involved, we’ve determined that implementing this compatibility would introduce significant complexity. Regrettably, we’ve concluded that it’s not feasible to proceed with this request at this time.

    Thank you
    Bhavesh & Dotstore support team

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One thought on “value calculation

  1. Hello benzomai09,

    Thank you for your feature request regarding compatibility with the Advanced Flat Rate Shipping and Advanced Shipping Packages plugin.

    After a thorough examination of the technical aspects involved, we’ve determined that implementing this compatibility would introduce significant complexity. Regrettably, we’ve concluded that it’s not feasible to proceed with this request at this time.

    Thank you
    Bhavesh & Dotstore support team

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