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Combine Free shipping with Cost on Total Cart Weight

I have Advanced Shipping Prices Rules based on Total Cart Weight.
I would like to use the Free Shipping based on Minimum Order Amount in combination with this. So I would like to be able to set a different Minimum Order Amount for each Min-Max weight interval.

Completed Category: Advanced Flat Rate Shipping 660344a0fa03a40539dbb4e91d87d3dd?s=40&d=mm&r=g soundspeak shared this idea

One thought on “Combine Free shipping with Cost on Total Cart Weight

  1. Hello there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us and for sharing your request with us.

    This is a very unique request, that creates multiple cases and needs to develop complex stricture to set order range based on weight range.

    So you can simply the requirements and create the rules based on the weight range or based on subtotal range to easily configure the settings.

    Thank you.

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